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Since the 14th of March of 2020 after the entry into force of the Spanish Royal Decree declaring the State of Alarm, in HIDROGARNE we have decided to continue with our activity taking security and responsibility measures to protect the health of both our team and our customers and suppliers.


Our preventive measures:

  • Complete disinfection of the different work environments.
  • Provide to our staff with individual protection means and enable work areas that maintain the safety distance.
  • Temporary suspension of all visits to our facilities.
  • Temporary suspension of the trips of the technical and commercial personnel.

Our guaranteed services:

  • Customer service from Monday to Friday from 8:00h. to 15:00h
  • The sending and receiving of goods will be carried out in full normality, after disinfecting them.
  • The technical service is available by telephone from Monday to Friday from 8:00h to 15:00h

In a time of difficulty, we continue to strive to guarantee our customers the best quality of service. If you need technical service or commercial information do not hesitate to contact us.

The situation is constantly evolving and, as a result, the measures implemented will be modified gradually and adapted to the needs of each moment.

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