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Specifically designed to perform work involving deep-drawing, stamping, die-cutting, forming, etc.

It works with hydraulic pressure lower than 320 bar to ensure the greater durability of the whole hydraulic system.

Consist of an electro welded structure made solely of S355JR steel. They are stabilised and mechanized at the end of the structural welding process to ensure perfect parallelism and precision. Calculated and designed by finite software. With all of this, we always guarantee our high precision and quality standards.

This model is equipped with a mechanized lower C45E steel table with 2 “T” DIN-650 grooves and with hole of 200 x 400 mm open front.

The cylinder is double acting with a lapping liner, chrome plunger and maintenance-free anti wear guides, it’s fitted with a removable and interchangeable hold-down plate to avoid the deterioration of the plunger and machined at the end to adapt tools, moulds, and matrix. Equipped with anti-rotation cylinder. 

It incorporates a SIEMENS safety PLC model SIMATIC S7 1200 and a 4″ touchscreen model MTP-700 located on a panel with an adjustable arm. It allows programming the operating mode in semi-automatic and automatic, the power, the stroke, and the dwell time of the upper cylinder. It has a storage capacity of 300 recipes, and all the aforementioned values can be programmed in each recipe.

The control panel features a switch enabling the user to select the desired type of work in a manual or semi-automatic position.

A two-speed motorized hydraulic unit with automatic high-speed deactivation. It’s equipped with a cylinder decompression valve.

Fence of 4000 mm with light barrires.

Electrical and hydraulic maneuvers are redundant and self-controlled. They incorporate an additional safety block and self-control devices for maneuver and safety.  

Operation is carried out by electrical pedal with low voltage.

It meets and satisfies all the essential health and safety requirements in accordance with the CE standard.


  • Power   50 TN
  • Motor Power      5,5 Kw.
  • Piston stroke     700 mm
  • Maximum pressure        325 bar
  • Approach speed              45,55 mm/sec
  • Working speed                  9,42 mm/sec
  • Return speed     60,74 mm/sec
  • Vertical useful light        800 mm
  • Throat depth     375 mm
  • Working height                  850 mm
  • Lower table size               650 x 650 mm
  • Total front            4.100 mm
  • Total lateral        1.500 mm
  • Total height        2.500 mm
  • Weight 2.500 Kg.
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